[Cs_announce] [Bulk] Imagine Cup reminder: 50 chances to win with the Big Idea Challenge! (fwd)

Steve Garcia steve at cs.csubak.edu
Tue Jan 9 03:53:20 PST 2018

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Date: Mon, 08 Jan 2018 15:18:42 -0600
From: MS Imagine <MSImagine at e-mail.microsoft.com>
Reply-To: Microsoft
     <reply-fe881173726c017b70-866153_HTML-744909170-10017485-327 at email.microsoft
To: steve at cs.csubak.edu
Subject: [Bulk] Imagine Cup reminder: 50 chances to win with the Big Idea

Microsoft Imagine
Dream it. Build it. Live it. The Imagine Cup is Microsoft?s annual student
innovation competition that empowers students to showcase their ideas and
compete for up to USD100,000, travel, and mentorship with Microsoft CEO
Satya Nadella.

To get you started on making your Imagine Cup dreams a reality, we?ve launched
the Big Idea Challenge. Submit your Imagine Cup project pitch video and
project proposal to the Big Idea Challenge for 50 ways to win cash, project
feedback, or technical resources to take your idea to the next level:
  *  USD3,000 ? First prize
  *  USD2,000 ? Second prize
  *  USD1,000 ? Third prize
  *  The top 10 teams will receive feedback on their project submission from
     our judges.
  *  The top 50 teams will receive USD600 in Azure credits.
Three special awards that represent the current state of digital
transformation have been added to the Imagine Cup competition:
  *  Artificial Intelligence
  *  Big Data
  *  Mixed Reality
Start your journey today by registering for the 2018 Imagine Cup and
submitting to the Big Idea challenge from your account page by January 31,
2018. Winners will be announced in February 2018.

Read more about the Big Idea Challenge and get started on your Imagine Cup
journey today!
Thank you,

Pablo Veramendi
Imagine Cup Competition Manager

You are receiving this mail because you either opted in to learn more about
Imagine Cup registration or are a member of the Microsoft Imagine program.
Microsoft respects your privacy. Please read our Privacy Statement.

This message from Microsoft is an important part of a program, service, or
product that you or your company purchased or participate in. If you no
longer wish to receive Microsoft Imagine program communications, you may
opt-out by contacting us to be removed from the program.

Microsoft Corporation
One Microsoft Way
Redmond, WA 98052

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